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Generating Security identifiers for an existing FileNet deployment

We need to generate Security Identifiers (SID) values for installing Connections Content Manager with an existing FileNet deployment.

A Security Identifier (SID) is an internal ID used within Connections Content Manager and FileNet. This internal ID is used to reference a user in some areas of configuration. Specifically, you will need SIDs when setting up anonymous access and configuring indexing. Follow these instructions if you had chosen to install Connections Content Manager with an existing FileNet deployment.

  1. On the Connections system, create a directory to hold the JARs you will copy from the FileNet side. For example:

    • Windows: C:\CPEFiles

    • Linux, AIX : /CPEFiles

  2. Copy the Jace.jar and log4j.jar files from the FileNet Content Platform Engine deployment.

  3. Place these JAR files into a subdirectory called lib in the directory you previously created For example:

    • Windows: C:\CPEFiles\lib

    • Linux, AIX: /CPEFiles/lib

  4. Edit and save the generateSID.bat|.sh script file by updating the line containing the CE_HOME variable to refer to the directory you created in step #1. For example:

    • Windows: set CE_HOME=C:/CPEFiles

    • Linux, AIX: export CE_HOME=/CPEFiles

  5. Open a command line console and change directory to <Connections_HOME>.

  6. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable if it has not already been defined. For example:

    • Windows: set JAVA_HOME=C:\(x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java

    • Linux, AIX: export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java

  7. Generate the SID value for an associated username:

    • Windows: generateSID.bat

    • Linux, AIX: generateSID.sh

    You will be asked for the following inputs:

    • Hostname the Content Platform Engine application (FileNetEngine) is running on

    • Port number the Content Platform Engine application (FileNetEngine) is listening on

    • Domain admin username

    • Domain admin password

    • Username you desire to generate the SID for

    Once these inputs have been collected the program will return the SID value.

Parent topic:
Configure Connections Content Manager with an existing FileNet deployment