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Review the JVM heap size

Review the size of the Java Virtual Machine heap and adjust it, if necessary, to avoid out-of-memory errors.

  1. Log into the WAS console and select...

      Servers | Server Type | WebSphere application servers | Connections server | Java and Process Management | Process Definition | Java Virtual Machine

  2. Review the Maximum heap size.

    Installation Manager sets the following default values:

    • Small deployment:

      Maximum Heap Size: 2506 MB

    • Medium deployment: Maximum Heap Size: 2506 MB

    • Large deployment:

      Each application in a Large deployment, except News and Search, has a default Heap size of 256 MB. The News and Search applications have a default Heap size of 784 MB.

    Ensure that we are not allocating more memory than the physical capacity of the system where the JVM is installed.

  3. Adjust the current values of the heap size up or down to suit the needs of the deployment and the hardware capabilities.

  4. Click OK and then click Save.

  5. Repeat these steps for any additional servers in the deployment.

Parent topic:
Post-installation tasks

IBM Connections 4.0 Performance Tuning Guide