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Add new ways to share content

Create our own gadgets and add them to the Share dialog.

IBM Connections provides a quick way to share content with others. From anywhere in Connections, users can click Share. To enable an OpenSocial gadget in the Share dialog, edit the gadget xml file and add the gadget using the Administration option on the Home page.

We can create our own gadgets and add them to the Share dialog. In this context, the gadgets should probably allow a user to share content with other users, but we can add anything.

We can add the following features to the gadget:

  1. Ensure that gadgets in the Share dialog have their gadget XML conform to the following OpenSocial feature requirements:
    <Require feature="dynamic-height" />
    <Require feature="dynamic-width" />
    <Require feature="views" />

  2. Require the ibm.connections.sharedialog feature, for example:

      <Require feature="ibm.connections.sharedialog" />

    This feature should be used by gadgets that are rendered in the Share dialog.

  3. Include the actions feature and define an action with a path of "container/sharebox".
             <Param name="action-contributions">
                      <action id="customAction" path="container/sharebox" label="Read Only Sample" 
                         tooltip="used to show Share dialog gadget loading concept" />

    • The action element's id attribute must be unique across all gadgets that you intend to surface in the dialog. If more than one gadget has an action element with the same id attribute value, then each gadget after the first one loaded with the same ID will fail to load. If this issue exists and you have a JavaScript console available for the browser, we see a message similar to the following in the JavaScript console:

        Duplicated gadget action [gadget-name] detected. verify the gadget actions have unique ids.

    • In the path attribute, use the value container/sharebox to have the gadget display in the Share something dialog.

    • In the label attribute, add the name of the gadget to display as a tab in the dialog, for example the value label="MyGadget" means the dialog will display the following tabs: Status Update | Files | MyGadget.

    • In the tooltip attribute, add more descriptive text about the gadget to display as tooltip text that appears when hovering over the tab for the gadget.

  4. Define the action and a callback function to be called when the action has been invoked (such as when a tab has been selected for this gadget to be displayed or to perform some action. For example:
    <script type="text/javascript">
     gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(function() {
      if (gadgets.actions) {
       var customAction = {
        id: "customAction", /* Note: The id matches the id of the action from the ModulePrefs section - 
           Example: <action id="customAction" path="container/sharebox" label="Custom Action" /> */            
           callback: updateContext  
           /* Note: The callback function will get called each time the action is invoked(Sharebox Example: Every time the tab is selected.*/
       function updateContext(selection) {
          if(selection.type == "com.ibm.social.sharebox.context")
        /*Perform gadget initialization with the "context' available via "selection.dataObject".*/

    The selection object will consist of atype and dataObject attribute. When an action is invoked in the Share dialog, a selection object will be provided to the action callback (updateContext in this case) and the object will have a type of com.ibm.social.sharebox.context. If the type value is not com.ibm.social.sharebox.context, then this selection did not come from Sharebox. The actual context object is available via the dataObject attribute. Example selection.dataObject: {type: "global"}

    The callback defined for your action ( "updateContext" function in this example) will get called each time the user visits the gadget's tab in the Share dialog. The following scenarios will result in the callback being called:

    1. User visits tab of gadget. The first time this happens, you will want to initialize the gadget contents. Each additional time, you will only want to do an update if desired.

    2. User closes the Share dialog while the tab is in focus and then reopens the Share dialog without leaving the current page or performing a page refresh. The callback will get called when the Share dialog is opened.

  5. Design the gadget so the contents will have a width that does not exceed 500px.

  6. Each time the contents of the gadget's DOM (document object model) change, then call the following code to force the gadget to resize:
    if (gadgets.window.adjustHeight)
    if (gadgets.window.adjustWidth)
        gadgets.window.adjustWidth(500); /*Pass in 500 so that gadget will know the preferred width is 500px*/

What to do next

To add a gadget to the Share dialog, see the Adding a gadget to the Share dialog topic.

Parent topic:


Add a gadget to the Share dialog

Related reference:

Features for custom sharing gadgets