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Specify external labels for attributes


In IBM Connections, we can apply custom labels stored in an external resource bundle to any attribute, editable attribute, or custom extension attribute.

When we specify external labels for attributes, editable attributes, or custom extension attributes, the labels are only applied to the user interface element that the configuration object represents. For example, if you apply a custom label to a business card <attribute> element, the label does not automatically apply to the same element in the advanced search page layout. The label configuration must be applied to each user interface element individually. For information about how to add the custom strings for labels to IBM Connections, see Add custom strings for widgets and other specified scenarios.

Add an external resource bundle to IBM Connections by following the steps outlined in the topic, Add custom strings for widgets and other specified scenarios.

Specify external labels for attributes

  1. Check out the Profiles configuration files:

    To determine cell name:

  2. Open the profiles-config.xml file using a text editor.

  3. Locate the <attribute>, <editableAttribute>, or <extensionAttribute> element that corresponds to the user interface control to which to apply the custom label.

  4. Add the following attributes to the element:

    • labelkey. Label to display for the attribute.

    • bundleIdRef. External resource bundle id containing the label.

      The bundleIdRef maps to the bundle prefix definedd when we registered the resource bundle in LotusConnections-config.xml file. For more information, see Add custom strings for widgets and other specified scenarios.

    For example:

      <attribute labelKey="labels.custom.officeName" bundleIdRef="example">officeName</attribute>

  5. For <extensionAttibute> elements only: If we have defined the field to be a required field, specify an extensionIdRef attribute with a value that corresponds to the value of the field attribute defined in validation.xml. See Specifying a required field for more details.

  6. Save the changes.

  7. After making changes, check the configuration files back in, and we must do so during the same wsadmin session in which you checked them out for the changes to take effect. See Applying property changes in Profiles for information about how to save and apply the changes.

Related tasks:
Add custom strings for widgets and other specified scenarios
Apply property changes in Profiles
Customize product strings
Specify a custom field as required and declaring maximum field length