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Specify properties to expose in the search index


We may not want to index a particular property in order to protect sensitive personal information that should not be exposed in search. To specify properties to expose in the search index, we...

  1. Enable support for full text indexing in profiles-config.xml
  2. Specify the properties to omit from the search index in profiles_types.xml

By default, all properties on the profile record are made available to the search index if the individual property itself supports inclusion in the index. For a list of fields included in the search index by default, see Standard properties in the data model.

Specify which fields are indexed for search

  1. Check out the Profiles configuration files:

    To determine cell name:

  2. Edit /tmp/profiles-config.xml 

  3. Locate the <properties> element, and set...

    com.ibm.lconn.profiles.config.variableFullTextIndexEnabled If set to true, the search index is comprised of fields marked as searchable in profiles_types.xml. If set to false, the search index is comprised of all fields that support search. The default setting is false.

  4. Edit /tmp/profiles_types.xml

  5. For each property that should not get included in the search index, add the following to the property reference...

    For example, to remove description from the search index:


  6. Check in configuration files: ProfilesConfigService.checkInConfig().

  7. Restart the application.

  8. If the search index was previously built, delete the existing index.

Parent topic:
Customize Profiles search

Related reference:
Standard properties in the data model
Extension properties in the data model