Specify properties to expose in the search index
We may not want to index a particular property in order to protect sensitive personal information that should not be exposed in search. To specify properties to expose in the search index, we...
- Enable support for full text indexing in profiles-config.xml
- Specify the properties to omit from the search index in profiles_types.xml
By default, all properties on the profile record are made available to the search index if the individual property itself supports inclusion in the index. For a list of fields included in the search index by default, see Standard properties in the data model.
Specify which fields are indexed for search
- Check out the Profiles configuration files:
./wsadmin.sh -lang jython
ProfilesConfigService.checkOutConfig("/tmp/", "cell_name")To determine cell name:
print AdminControl.getCell()
- Edit /tmp/profiles-config.xml
- Locate the <properties> element, and set...
com.ibm.lconn.profiles.config.variableFullTextIndexEnabled If set to true, the search index is comprised of fields marked as searchable in profiles_types.xml. If set to false, the search index is comprised of all fields that support search. The default setting is false.
- Edit /tmp/profiles_types.xml
- For each property that should not get included in the search index, add the following to the property reference...
For example, to remove description from the search index:
<property> <ref>description</ref> <updatability>readwrite</updatability> <hidden>false</hidden> <richText>true</richText> <fullTextIndexed>false</fullTextIndexed> </property>
- Check in configuration files: ProfilesConfigService.checkInConfig().
- Restart the application.
- If the search index was previously built, delete the existing index.
Parent topic:
Customize Profiles searchRelated reference:
Standard properties in the data model
Extension properties in the data model