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Determine where to save the customizations


The base directory where we store customizations is defined during installation, and saved as variable...

By default, this variable is set to...

To determine the location of the customization directory, log in to the IBM WAS console, go to...

...and look for CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATION_PATH in the list of variable names and make a note of the value. For example:

To save customizations that apply to all the applications, copy the file into the common subdirectory:

To save customizations that apply to a single application, copy the file into the subdirectory for that application:

When customizations apply to all applications...

Path Description
customizationDir/themes/defaultTheme/custom.css Customized styles
customizationDir/themes/defaultTheme/defaultTheme.css Customized themes
customizationDir/common/nav/templates/login.jsp Customized login page
customizationDir/common/nav/templates/footer.jsp Customized footer file
customizationDir/common/nav/templates/error.jsp Customized error page
customizationDir/themes/images Customized images

Application-specific versions of customized CSS files:

File name and file path Description
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/activities.css Customized styles for Activities.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/blogs.css Customized styles for Blogs.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/dogear.css Customized styles for Bookmarks.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/bookmarklet.css Customized styles for the Bookmarklet.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/communities.css Customized styles for Communities.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/files.css Customized styles for Files.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/forums.css Customized styles for Forums.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/homepage.css Customized styles for the Home page.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/metrics.css Customized styles for Metrics.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/moderation.css Customized styles for Moderation.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/news.css Customized styles for News.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/profiles.css Customized styles for Profiles.
customizationDir/themes/theme/applications/wikis.css Customized styles for Wikis.

Where theme is the name of the themes available for each application. For example:

When you select the Coffee theme in the UI, the goldTheme is invoked. There is no coffeeTheme in the CSS files. Right-to-left themes are specified in applicationRTL.css, where application represents one of the Connections applications. For example:


Parent topic:
Customize the user interface

Change WAS environment variables
Property file strings
JavaScript resource strings
WAS environment variables