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Purge compromised reply-to IDs


If a reply to ID is being misused, we can delete that ID from the system while keeping the user's other valid IDs active.

In IBM Connections, users can reply to a forum post directly from an email notification about the post. When a forum topic is updated, a notification is sent out to people following the topic, and those people can reply to the topic by clicking a link in the notification. The notification has a ReplyToNotification ID, included in the reply email address, which is used to verify the content coming back in to the system when the user replies to the notification. We remove compromised IDs using NewsMaillinService commands. When users leave the organization, you can remove their reply-to IDs so they cannot update a forum by saving an ID, and responding to a forum post.

The ReplyToIdCleanup task runs weekly to purge the system of any reply-to ID records that are out of date, removing IDs are older than the interval specified by replyToIdLifetimeInDays. The expiry period is set to 365 days by default. The task ReplyToIdCleanup removes expired ReplyToNotification IDs, making user replys inoperable. Related reply-to IDs are removed as part of the clean-up task.

Reply-to IDs format...

ID can be prefix or a suffix...

Remove reply-to IDs from the system

Access News config file...

...and execute...

Parent topic:
Administer the News repository

Configure database clean-up for the News repository
News administrative commands