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Configure SSO between IBM FileNet and Connections


Single sign-on between IBM FileNet Collaboration Services and Connections is mandatory for use of the Library widget. SSO between IBM FileNet Collaboration Services and Connections is not mandatory for use of the Linked Library widget, but is supported and always preferable for a better user experience.

To configure SSO between WebSphere Application Server using a LTPA mechanism, we...

In the following instructions, LTPA keys are generated and exported from the Connections server and imported into the IBM FileNet Collaboration Services server, but it doesn't matter which server exports and which imports.

Set up SSO between Connections and FileNet

  1. Open the Connections dmgr console and navigate to...

      Security | Global security | LTPA

  2. Type and confirm a password and make a note of it.

  3. Type a fully qualified key file name.

  4. Click Export keys.

  5. Copy the LTPA key file to the IBM FileNet Collaboration Services server.

  6. Open the FileNet dmgr console and navigate to...

      Security | Global security | LTPA

  7. Enter password set during token creation on the Connections dmgr

  8. Enter the full path and filename to the key file

  9. Click Import keys.

  10. Click OK and Save.

Parent topic:
Configure single sign-on with ECM servers