ActivitySession and transaction container policies in combination
This topic provides details about the relationship between the deployment descriptor properties that determine how the container manages ActivitySession boundaries.
If an enterprise bean uses ActivitySessions, how the EJB container manages ActivitySession boundaries when delegating a method invocation depends on both the ActivitySession kind and Container transaction type deployment descriptor attributes configured for the enterprise bean. The following table lists the relationship between these two properties.
In each row, the final column describes the behavior that the EJB container takes with respect to global transaction and ActivitySession context, based on the following abbreviations:
- Sn
- An ActivitySession, where n indicates the ActivitySession instance.
- Tn
- A transaction, where n indicates the transaction instance.
In every case where the container does not start or leave a global transaction context associated with the thread, it starts (or obtains from the bean instance) a local transaction containment and associates that with the thread. The duration of the local transaction containment is determined by a combination of the local-transaction boundary descriptor (configured as part of the application deployment descriptor, and not shown in the following table) and the presence or not of an ActivitySession context, as described in ActivitySessions and transaction contexts.
The rows highlighted in bold are not allowed.
Bean ActivitySession policy(ActivitySession kind) Bean transaction policy(Container transaction type) Received contexts Container behavior Required Required None Start S1, Start T1 S1 Start T1 T1 Suspend T1, Start S1, Start T2 S1, T1 No Action Requires new None Start S1, Start T1 S1 Start T1 T1 Suspend T1, Start S1, Start T2 S1, T1 Suspend T1, Start T2 Supports None Start S1 S1 No Action T1 Suspend T1, Start S1 S1, T1 No Action Not supported None Start S1 S1 No Action T1 Suspend T1, Start S1 S1, T1 Suspend T1 Mandatory None Exception S1 Exception T1 Exception S1, T1 No action Never None Start S1 S1 No Action T1 Suspend T1, Start S1 S1, T1 Exception Requires new Required None Start S1 + T1 S1 Suspend S1, Start S2 + T1 T1 Suspend T1, Start S1 + T2 S1 + T1 Suspend S1 + T1, Start S2 + T2 Requires new None Start S1 + T1 S1 Suspend S1, Start S2 + T1 T1 Suspend T1, Start S1 + T2 S1 + T1 Suspend S1 + T1, Start S2 + T2 Supports None Start S1 S1 Suspend S1, Start S2 T1 Suspend T1, Start S1 S1, T1 Suspend S1 + T1, Start S2 Not supported None Start S1 S1 Suspend S1, Start S2 T1 Suspend T1, Start S1 S1, T1 Suspend S1 + T1, Start S2 Mandatory None Exception S1 Exception T1 Exception S1, T1 Exception Never None Start S1 S1 Suspend S1, Start S2 T1 Suspend T1, Start S1 S1, T1 Suspend S1 + T1, Start S2 Supports Required None Start T1 S1 Start T1 T1 No Action S1, T1 No Action Requires new None Start T1 S1 Start T1 T1 Suspend T1, Start T2 S1, T1 Suspend T1, Start T2 Supports None No Action S1 No Action T1 No Action S1, T1 No Action Not supported None No Action S1 No Action T1 Suspend T1 S1, T1 Suspend T1 Mandatory None Exception S1 Exception T1 No Action S1, T1 No Action Never None No Action S1 No Action T1 Exception S1, T1 Exception Not supported Required None Start T1 S1 Suspend S1, Start T1 T1 No Action S1, T1 Suspend S1 + T1, Start T2 Requires new None Start T1 S1 Suspend S1, Start T1 T1 Suspend T1, Start T2 S1, T1 Suspend S1 + T1, Start T2 Supports None No Action S1 Suspend S1 T1 No Action S1, T1 Suspend S1 + T1 Not supported None No Action S1 Suspend S1 T1 Suspend T1 S1, T1 Suspend S1 + T1 Mandatory None Exception S1 Exception T1 No Action S1,T1 Exception Never None No Action S1 Suspend S1 T1 Exception S1, T1 Suspend S1 + T1 Mandatory Required None Exception S1 Start T1 T1 Exception S1, T1 No Action Requires new None Exception S1 Start T1 T1 Exception S1, T1 Suspend T1, Start T2 Supports None Exception S1 No Action T1 Exception S1, T1 No Action Not supported None Exception S1 No Action T1 Exception S1, T1 Suspend T1 Mandatory None Exception S1 Exception T1 Exception S1, T1 No Action Never None Exception S1 No Action T1 Exception S1,T1 Exception Never Required None Start T1 S1 Exception T1 No Action S1, T1 Exception Requires new None Start T1 S1 Exception T1 Suspend T1, Start T2 S1,T1 Exception Supports None No Action S1 Exception T1 No Action S1,T1 Exception Not supported None No Action S1 Exception T1 Suspend T1 S1,T1 Exception Mandatory None Exception S1 Exception T1 No Action S1,T1 Exception Never None No Action S1 Exception T1 Exception S1,T1 Exception Bean managed Bean managed None No Action S1 Suspend S1 T1 Suspend T1 S1, T1 Suspend S1 + T1
ActivitySession and transaction contexts Set EJB module ActivitySession deployment attributes