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(ZOS) IMS Connect considerations following server recovery

After InDoubt and InFlight work completes, the product server shuts down. A new application server configured for that system is then started up to accept new work. Special considerations must be taken if we are using IMS™ Connect after recovering to an alternate system.

After server recovery is completed, IMS Connect starts, but is not usable without some manual intervention. On the current IMS Connect WTOR perform the following commands nn,viewhws followed by nn,viewhwsnn,opends XXX where XXX is the IMS subsystem name displayed in the result of the nn,viewhws query. The IMS datastore needs to reflect 'active' status, as is shown in the following example:

  R 17,VIEWHWS                                  
  IEE600I REPLY TO 17 IS;VIEWHWS                
  HWSC0001I   HWS ID=IMSCONN     Racf=N         
  HWSC0001I      Maxsoc=100  Timeout=12000      
  HWSC0001I    Datastore=IMS      Status=ACTIVE 
  HWSC0001I      Group=IMSGROUP Member=IMSCONN  
  HWSC0001I      Target Member=IMSA             
  HWSC0001I    Port=9999     Status=ACTIVE      
  HWSC0001I      No active Clients              
  HWSC0001I    Port=LOCAL    Status=ACTIVE      
  HWSC0001I      No active Clients    

After completing the required manual intervention, IMS Connect is ready to handle new work on this server.