Log streams and expected output

IBM recommends using the HPEL log and trace infrastructure. With HPEL, one views logs using the LogViewer command-line tool in PROFILE/bin.

Log or trace stream Expected output - basic log and trace mode Expected output - HPEL log and trace mode
trace Trace.log. You must have tracing enabled.

  • HPEL trace repository.
  • HPEL TextLog*.log, when we enable this log.

Java logs

  • Trace.log, when we enable tracing.
  • Activity.log. The Activity.log file is also directed to the Showlog output.
  • SystemOut.log

  • HPEL log repository
  • HPEL TextLog*.log, when we enable this log.

System.out stream

  • Trace.log
  • SystemOut.log

  • HPEL log repository
  • HPEL TextLog*.log, when we enable this log.

System.err stream SystemErr.log

  • HPEL log repository
  • HPEL TextLog*.log, when we enable this log

cout (the C or C++ output stream) Native stdout Native stdout
cerr (the C or C++ error stream) Native stderr Native stderr

Figure 1. Distributed and IBM i - Basic log and trace mode. Distributed and IBM i - Basic log and trace mode

Figure 2. Distributed and IBM i - HPEL log and trace mode. Distributed and IBM i - HPEL log and trace mode

Figure 3. z/OS - Traditional log and trace mode. z/OS - Traditional log and trace mode

Figure 4. z/OS - HPEL log and trace mode. z/OS - HPEL log and trace mode

Related concepts:

Java logging


Add logging and tracing to the application
Troubleshoot applications with HPEL


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