Develop EJB 2.x enterprise beans
- EJB 2.0 module considerations
When using EJB 2.0 modules, keep in mind the following considerations.
- Create stubs command
For Enterprise JavaBeans 1.X or 2.X modules in a Java EE 7 application, the createEJBStubs command must be used to create stub classes for remote interfaces of EJB beans packaged in JAR or Enterprise archive (EAR) files. It also provides an option to create a single stub class from an interface class located in a directory or a JAR file. Several command options are provided to package the generated stub classes in different ways. See the Syntax and Examples sections for more details.
- EJB 2.0 module considerations
When using EJB 2.0 modules, keep in mind the following considerations.- Partial column update feature for container managed persistence
The Container Managed Persistence (CMP) bean method ejbStore stored all of the persistent attributes of the CMP bean to the database, even if only a subset of persistent attribute fields were changed. This needless performance degradation is eliminated in this release of the product.- Setting partial update for container-managed persistent beans
For EJB 2.x CMP entity beans, we can use the partial update feature to specify how we want to update the persistent attributes of the CMP bean to the database. This feature is provided as a bean-level persistence option, called PartialOperation, in the access intent policy configured for the bean.- EJB 2.0 module considerations
When using EJB 2.0 modules, keep in mind the following considerations.- Partial column update feature for container managed persistence
The Container Managed Persistence (CMP) bean method ejbStore stored all of the persistent attributes of the CMP bean to the database, even if only a subset of persistent attribute fields were changed. This needless performance degradation is eliminated in this release of the product.- Setting partial update for container-managed persistent beans
For EJB 2.x CMP entity beans, we can use the partial update feature to specify how we want to update the persistent attributes of the CMP bean to the database. This feature is provided as a bean-level persistence option, called PartialOperation, in the access intent policy configured for the bean.