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Example: Publishing a business, service, and technical model using the UDDI registry user interface

This example describes how to use the UDDI registry user interface to publish a used car business called Modern Cars to the UDDI registry, and how to publish a service and technical model for the business.

Before beginning, ensure that the UDDI registry application is started and the UDDI registry user console is displayed.

Add the business

  1. Click the Publish tab to activate the Publish pane.

  2. Under Advanced Publish, click Add a business. The advanced publish form is displayed.

  3. Type Modern Cars in the Name field for the business. Select the language of the business name from the list, then click Add Name to add the name to the business.

  4. Type a description for the business, for example Used cars for sale in the Description field. Select the language of the description from the list, then click Add Description to add the description to the business. We can add multiple descriptions in a variety of languages as required.

  5. In the Contact section, type your name as a contact for customers of the business. Select the language as before, and click Add Contact. The business contact form is displayed. Enter the details, using the Add entity links to add the information as you reach the end of each subsection. All the text fields in the form are cleared when you click an Add entity link. Click Add Contact to save the contact information into the Modern Cars business.

  6. Use the Categorizations section to describe the Modern Cars business according to the NAICS 2002 categorization system:

    1. Click Show category tree to display the various categorization systems.

    2. Expand the NAICS 2002 tree, then expand Retail Trade [44] > Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers [441] > Automobile Dealers [4411] > Used Car Dealers [44112]. Click the Used Car Dealers [441120] category to add the category type, key name, and key value to the advanced publish form.

    3. Click Add Categorization to add the information to the business.
    4. Close the category tree by clicking Close .

  7. Click Publish Business to publish the Modern Cars business to the UDDI registry. The details of the business are displayed.

Add a service to the business

  1. Click the Publish tab to activate the Publish pane.

  2. Under Registered Information, click Show owned entities to display the Modern Cars business and any other entities that you own.

  3. Click Add service in the Actions column of the Modern Cars business. The publish service page is displayed.

  4. Add a name and description for the service, in the same way as for the business itself.

  5. Click Add a Service Binding to display the service binding form.

    1. Enter an access point (the URL for the service on the network) and a description for the service binding.

    2. Click Add Technical Model Instance Information to display a page where we can describe and publish a technical model instance for the service binding.
    3. In the technical model information page, click Add Technical Model.
    4. Search for the technical model that the instance uses, select the technical model from the results, then click Add.
    5. Complete the other fields on the form and click Add Technical Model Instance.

    6. Click Add Binding to save the information into the service.

    Enter an access point (the URL for the service on the network) and a description for the service binding.

  6. Add a categorization in the same way as for the business.

  7. Click Add Service to publish the service to the UDDI registry.

Add a technical model

  1. In the Advanced Publish section, click Add a technical model to display the publish technical model form.

  2. Add a name and description for the technical model, in the same way as for the business and the service.

  3. Click Add an Overview Document to display the overview document form. The overview document describes the technical model.

    1. Type the location of the overview document in the Overview URL field.

    2. Click Add Overview Document URL.

    3. Add a description and click Add Overview Document to save the information in the technical model.

  4. Add a categorization in the same way as for the business.

  5. Click Publish Technical Model to publish the technical model to the UDDI registry.

  • Finding an entity using the UDDI registry user interface
  • Editing or deleting an entity using the UDDI registry user interface
  • Publishing an entity using the UDDI registry user interface
  • Create business relationships using the UDDI registry user interface