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Establish high availability for data access resources

Various enterprise information systems (EIS) use different methods for storing data. These backend data stores might be relational databases, procedural transaction programs, or object-oriented databases.

IBM WebSphere Application Server provides several options for accessing an information system's backend data store:

Service Data Objects (SDO) simplify the programmer experience with a universal abstraction for messages and data, whether the programmer thinks of data in terms of XML documents or Java objects. For programmers, SDOs eliminate the complexity of the underlying data access technology (JDBC, RMI/IIOP, JAX-RPC, JMS, and so on) and message transport technology (java.io.Serializable, DOM Ojbects, SOAP, JMS, and so on).


  • End-to-end paths for data access resources
  • Migrate data access resources
  • Administer data access resources
  • Script for data access resources
  • Data access resources
  • Secure data access resources
  • Developing data access resources
  • Tune data access resources
  • Troubleshoot data access resources