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Video: How do I create a JDBC provider and data source in WAS?

The following transcript is for the "How do I create a JDBC provider and data source in WebSphere Application Server?" Video, which describes how to create a JDBC provider and data source in WAS. This transcript is the video storyboard. Audio describes narration and captions. Onscreen Action describes the content that is shown in the video.

How do I create a JDBC provider and data source in WAS?

Scene Audio Onscreen Action
1 Question: How do I create a JDBC provider and data source in WAS Show title, How do I create a JDBC provider and data source in WAS?.

Expand Resources, JDBC, then click JDBC providers.

Show the user how to expand resources from the left navigation menu. Select JDBC and then click JDBC providers.

Select the Scope.

Click New.

Show the user how to select the scope from the drop-down menu. Then, click the New.

Show a new screen that will appear after clicking New.


Select the Database.

Select the Provider type.

Select the Implementation Type. Choose XA data source if the application requires connections that support two-phase commit transactions.

Enter the JDBC Provider Name.

Click Next.

On this new screen, select the Database Type from the drop-down menu.

Select the Provider Type from the drop-down menu.

Select the Implementation Type from the drop-down menu. Choose XA data source from the drop-down menu if the application requires connections that support two-phase commit transactions.

Type the JDBC Provider Name in the Name field.

Click Next.


To create the data source, click Data sources.

Choose the same scope as the JDBC provider scope, and click New.

Show the user how to create a data source by clicking Data sourrces in the left navigation window.

Show users how to choose the same scope that they previously chose for the JDBC provider from the drop-down menu.

Click New.


Save and synchronize the changes.

Show how to click Save directly to the master configuration.

Enter the data source name and the JNDI name.

Show the user how to type in the data source name and JNDI name in the proper fields.

Click Next.


Select the newly created JDBC provider and click next.

Click Selct an exisitng JDBC provider and select the newly created JDBC provider from the drop-down menu.

Click Next.


Select Driver type, and provide the database name and the server name.

Show user how to select the Driver type from the drop-down menu.

Type the Database name in the provided field.

Type the Server name in the provided field.

Click Next.


Choose the existing J2C authentication alias. The J2C authentication alias contains the database user name and password. If an existing J2C authentication alias is not available, we might have to click Global J2C authentication alias, create the authentication alias, and then start the data source creation again.

On the setup security aliases page chose the existing J2C Authentication alias doe XA recovery from the drop-down menu.

Choose the Component-managed authentication alias from the drop-down menu.

Choose the Container-managed autentication alias from the drop-down menu.

If an existing J2C authentication is not available, we can click the Glonal J2C authentication aias Security domains to create the authentication alias and then restart the data source creation.

Click Next.


Click Finish.

On the next screen click Finish.

Save and synchronize the changes.

Show how to click Save directly to the master configuration.

Select the data source and click Test Connection to ensure that the data source can connect to the database.

Select the data source by checking the Box next to the data source name.

Click Test connection.


If the test is successful, then the data source is ready to be used by an application.

If the test was successful, we see the following message:
The test connection operation for data source Data source name on server Server name at node Node name was successful.

The data source is now ready to be used by an application.