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Repository checkpoint collection

To create, delete, restore, and export checkpoints, from the admin console, click...

Repository checkpoints represent saved images of the repository before configuration changes are made. Checkpoints can be either full or delta images. A full checkpoint is created manually by an administrator and is a copy of the entire configuration repository, including applications and connectors. A delta checkpoint is created automatically when the configuration is changed and contains copies of the affected configuration documents before the changes are made. Use checkpoints to restore the configuration repository back to a prior state.

Use a full checkpoint to restore the entire configuration repository back to the state it was in at the time the full checkpoint was made.

Use delta checkpoints to undo recent changes. Each delta checkpoint has a sequence number. The highest sequence number represents the most recent delta checkpoint. We can restore delta checkpoints in descending sequence number only. After the configuration repository is restored from a delta checkpoint, the product creates a checkpoint containing the configuration before restoration.

If we are a user with a monitor or an operator role, we can view only the repository checkpoint information. If we are a user with a configurator or an administrator role, we have all configuration privileges for repository checkpoints.

Button Resulting action
New Accesses a page on which we can create a full checkpoint of the configuration repository. To create a full checkpoint, we must have the configurator or administrator role.

The operation to create a full checkpoint runs a long time. While the product creates the checkpoint, the repository is locked. We have only read access to configuration data while the checkpoint is created. Any attempt to make a configuration change during this operation fails.

Delete Delete the selected checkpoint. We can delete any full checkpoint. As to delta checkpoints, we can only delete the oldest delta checkpoint.
Restore Replace existing product configuration documents with documents in the selected checkpoint. Restore delta checkpoints in descending sequence number order only.

Before selecting to restore a checkpoint, we might click on the checkpoint name and view the documents in the checkpoint to confirm that the selected checkpoint contains the wanted configuration.

Export Accesses the Export repository checkpoints page, which we use to export configuration documents in the selected checkpoint to a compressed file at a location of our choice. Click the compressed file name to specify the location. Use the Export action to back up and preserve configuration documents.


Name of the checkpoint. Automatic checkpoints have a calculated name of the form: Delta sequence_number.


Number of configuration documents in the checkpoint.


Type of checkpoint.

Create two types of checkpoints full and delta:


Sequence number of the checkpoint. This value is system-generated. We can restore delta checkpoints in reverse sequence number order only. Click the up and down arrows in the sequence column to sort the rows in ascending and descending order.


Date and time when the checkpoint was made.


Description of the checkpoint. Automatic checkpoints have the description Autosave delta image.

  • Restore checkpoints
  • Checkpoint settings
  • Extended repository service settings
  • New repository checkpoint settings