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Update the global web server plug-in configuration setting

Create or update a global plug-in configuration file. The configuration settings this file contains are based on the topology of the cell containing the applications servers that use this web server plug-in. The web server plug-in configuration file settings determine whether an application server or the web server handles user requests.

A global web server plug-in configuration file must be regenerated whenever:

The generated plugin-cfg.xml file is placed in the %was_profile_home%/config/cells directory. If our web server is located on a remote machine, manually move this file to that machine.

Topology-centric, or global, plug-in configuration is deprecated. Instead, use application-centric configuration. For any existing topology-centric configuration, we can update the global plugin-cfg.xml file using the administrative console or running the GenPluginCfg command for all of the clusters in a cell. However, we must delete the config/cells/plugin-cfg.xml file before you update the global plugin-cfg.xml file. If we do not delete the config/cells/plugin-cfg.xml file, only the new properties and their values are added to the global plugin-cfg.xml file. Any updates to existing plug-in property values are not added to the global plugin-cfg.xml file.

From the admin console, click...

Click OK to update the global plugin-cfg.xml file.

Click View or download the current web server plug-in configuration file to:

  • Create or update a global web server plug-in configuration file