Create UDDI Publishers
Use this page to register one or more existing WebSphere Application Server users as UDDI publishers.
From the admin console, click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id > [Additional Properties] UDDI Publishers > Create publishers.
To register as UDDI publishers one or more users that are known to the application server:
- Enter a string to search for the required users. To find all users, use the * character.
- Optionally, enter a number in the limit field to restrict the number of returned results.
- Click Search to display a list of users that match the string.
- Select the users to register from the Available list and use the arrows to move them into the Selected list.
- Use the entitlements listed under General Properties to give the UDDI publishers permission to undertake specific actions. Set the entitlements by selecting the check box next to each entitlement.
- Select a tier for the users from the Tier list.
- Click OK to register the users as UDDI publishers with the specified entitlements and tier.
If we are using a LDAP user registry, the format of the name givenn to each UDDI Publisher is defined by the User ID map value in the LDAP advanced settings. To view the LDAP advanced settings, click Security > Global security, under User account repository select Standalone LDAP registry and click Configure, then under Additional Properties click Advanced LDAP user registry settings.
After a user has been registered as a UDDI publisher, we can edit their entitlements by clicking the user name.
Allowed to publish keyGenerator with derived key
Specifies whether the UDDI publisher has permission to publish tModel: keyGenerator with a derived key.
The tModel:keyGenerator is a request for key space. An example of a legal derived key is where the key is based on the derivedKey "". the string 'buyingService' is the key's key specific string (KSS).
Allowed to publish keyGenerator with domain keys
Specifies whether the UDDI publisher has permission to publish tModel: keyGenerator with a domain key.
Allowed to publish keyGenerator
Specifies whether the UDDI publisher has permission to publish tModel: keyGenerator.
If false, UDDI publishers cannot publish keyGenerators of any kind. In this situation all the entitlement settings are disregarded, regardless of how they are set.
Allowed to publish with UUID key
Specifies whether the UDDI publisher has permission to publish elements with a UUID key.
Allowed to publish keyGenerator with UUID keys
Specifies whether the UDDI publisher has permission to publish tModel: keyGenerator with a UUID key.
Tier to which the UDDI publisher is assigned.
UDDI registry Version 3 entity keys Manage the UDDI registry Advanced LDAP user registry settings Administrative console buttons Administrative console page features UDDI Publisher settings Policy groups