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Web services client bindings

The client bindings define the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file name, preferred ports and other port information. Specify the client bindings and the port mappings for the web services in a module.

A web service can specify the relative path within the module of a compatible WSDL file containing the actual URL to be used for requests. The relative path only needs to be specified if the original WSDL file does not contain a URL or when a different URL is needed. For a service endpoint with multiple ports defined, a preferred mapping specifies the default port to use for a port type.

To view this administrative console page:

  1. Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > resource_name .

  2. Click Manage Modules > module_name > Web services client bindings.

This administrative console page applies only to JAX-RPC applications.

Web service Identifies the name of this web service. A module can contain one or more web services.

EJB For EJB modules, identifies the name of the EJB.

WSDL file name The WSDL file name, which is relative to the module. Locate the WSDL file name in the drop down menu.

Preferred port mappings Specifies and manages the preferred port type mapping for a web service when a particular port type is requested. Click Edit to edit the preferred port mapping information on the Preferred port mappings page.

Port information Specifies additional configuration information for the ports of this web service. Click Edit to edit the port information on the Port information page. We can set a request timeout, override an endpoint and override a binding namespace for each client port.

  • Configure web services client bindings
  • Preferred port mappings
  • Web services client port information