Java dump and core collection
To generate various Java dumps and cores from within the administrative console, click...
Troubleshooting > Java dumps and cores
Select one or more of the listed servers, and click one of the following buttons to generate dumps.
- Heap dump
- A heap dump is a snapshot of JVM memory. It shows live objects in the memory and references between them. Use this option to debug conditions such as memory leaks, heap fragmentation or to investigate what objects are consuming the largest part of the memory.
- Java core
- Use this button to investigate why a server is hanging or investigate messages in the logs that indicate a thread has not completed its work in the expected amount of time.
- System dump
- Use this button to generate system native dumps of the server process. These dumps can be quite large.
We can analyze dumps and cores using problem determination tools available for the IBM Support Assistant.
Generating a heap dump or a system dump is not supported for a non-IBM JVM. If we attempt to generate a heap dump or a system dump using the administrative console against a non-IBM JVM, the following message is displayed in the administrative console:
The Heap dump request to the server <server> failed because of the following reason: Could not take single dump as Sun Microsystems Inc. is not supported.
The System dump request to the server <server> failed because of the following reason: Could not take single dump as Sun Microsystems Inc. is not supported.
The Heap dump request to the server <server> failed because of the following reason: Could not take single dump as HP-UX is not supported.
The System dump request to the server <server> failed because of the following reason: Could not take single dump as HP-UX is not supported.
Collecting Java dumps and core files Use IBM Support Assistant