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Replace a certificate

Specify two certificates: the first selected certificate is replaced by the second selected certificate. The replace function replaces all the old signer certificates in key stores that are managed throughout the cell with the new signer from the new certificate. The same level of trust that was established with the old certificate is maintained. All places the certificate's alias is referenced in the security configuration will be replaced with the certificate's alias. The alias could be referenced on a security object like the SSL configuration, the dynamic outbound endpoint SSL configuration and key set groups.

Old certificate

Certificate to replace.

Information Value
Data type: Text

Replace with

Certificate to replace the old certificate.

Information Value
Data type: Text
Default: (none)

Delete old certificate after replacement

To delete the old certificate and all associated signer certificates after the new certificate replaces it. If we do not replace the old personal certificate, it might be assigned a new alias name.

Information Value
Default: Disabled

Delete old signers

To delete the old signer certificates associated with the old certificate after the new signer certificates replace them. If we do not delete the old signer certificates, they might be assigned new alias names.

Information Value
Default: Disabled

  • Create a Secure Sockets Layer configuration
  • Keystores and certificates collection
  • Personal certificates collection