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Import certificate from a key file or managed keystore

Specify a personal certificate to import from a keystore or key file.

From the admin console, click...

        Security > SSL certificate and key management > Configuration settings > Manage endpoint security configurations > {Inbound | Outbound} > ssl_configuration. Under Related items, click Key stores and certificates > keystore . Under Additional Properties, click Personal certificates. Select a personal certificate using the check box. Then click the Import button.

Managed key store

Select this option with the radio button. This selection indicates that the keystore containing the certificate to import is a managed keystore.

Information Value
Data type: radio button

Get key store aliases

Clicking this button queries the configuration for the list of keystore aliases for which the certificate will be imported to.

Key store

Select an alias of the keystore from the pull-down list of managed keystores managed by the security configuration. The alias we select identifies the keystore containing the certificate to import.

Information Value
Data type: drop-down list

Key store password

Password for the keystore to use for import.

Information Value
Data type: Text

Key store file

Select this option with the radio button. This selection indicates a keystore file containing the certificate to import.

Information Value
Data type: radio button

Key file name

Fully qualified path to keystore file containing the certificate to import.

Information Value
Data type: Text

Get key file aliases

Clicking this button, queries the key file for the aliases of all the personal certificates in the keystore from which to choose.


Type of keystore file. Select a valid type from the drop-down list.

Information Value
Data type: Text

Key file password

Type the password used to access the keystore file.

Information Value
Data type: Text

Certificate alias to import

Certificate alias identified as the Key file name to import into the current keystore.

Information Value
Data type: Text
Default: (none)

Imported certificate alias

New alias that we want the certificate to be named in the current keystore.

Information Value
Data type: Text

  • Create a Secure Sockets Layer configuration
  • Keystores and certificates collection
  • Personal certificates collection