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Certificate authority (CA) client configuration

Create, modify, and configure a certificate authority (CA) client.

From the admin console, click...

        Security > SSL Configurations and key management . Under Related Items, click Certificate Authority (CA) client configurations. Then click either the New button or select an existing CA client by clicking on its <client_name>.


Unique name of the CA client configuration. Name to identify the CA client object. This name needs to be unique to the scope.

Information Value
Data type: String

Implementation class

Name of the module that implements the com.ibm.wsspi.ssl.WSKPIClient interface used to act as a client to a CA. This implementation class connects to the CA server and performs a certificate create, revoke, or replace.

Information Value
Default: String

CA server host name

Host name of the CA server, if the implementation requires a host name.

Information Value
Data type: String


Port where the CA server will communicate, if the implementation requires a port.

Information Value
Data type: String

User name

User Id used to connect to the CA server, if the implementation requires a user to login to the CA.

Information Value
Data type: String


Password for the connection to the CA server.

Information Value
Data type: String

Confirm password

Confirms the password provided in the password field.

Information Value
Data type: String

Number of times to poll

Number of times to check the CA server to see if the certificate is complete. This poll number applies to the CA that does not return certificates immediately.

Information Value
Default: 5

Polling interval when requesting certificates

Amount of time, in minutes, between checks to the CA server to see if the certificate is complete.

Information Value
Default: 10

Custom properties

Specifies arbitrary name and value pairs of data. The name is a property key, and the value is a string value used to set internal system configuration properties.

Information Value
Data type: string

  • Create a Secure Sockets Layer configuration
  • Create a CA client in SSL
  • Deleting a CA client in SSL
  • View or modifying a CA client in SSL