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Cluster member collection

View and manage application servers that belong to a cluster. We can also use this page to change the weight of any of the listed application servers.

Application servers that are part of a cluster are referred to as cluster members. A copy of the first cluster member that we create is stored as part of the cluster data and becomes the template for all additional cluster members that we create.

Use this page to perform the following actions for the listed cluster members:

Any individual configuration change that we make to a cluster member does not affect the configuration settings of the cluster member template. We must use wsadmin commands to modify this template. Similarly, any changes that we make to the template do not affect existing cluster members.

From the admin console, click...

        Servers > Clusters > WebSphere application server clusters > cluster_name > Cluster members.

Member name

Name of the server in the cluster. On most platforms, the name of the server is the process name. The name must match the (object) name of the application server.


Name of the node for the cluster member.

Host Name

IP address, the full domain name system (DNS) host name with a domain name suffix, or the short DNS host name for the cluster member.


Version of the product on which the cluster member runs.

Configured weight

The weight that is currently configured for the cluster member. The weight determines the amount of work that is directed to the cluster member. If the weight value for the server is greater than the weight values assigned to other servers in the cluster, the server receives a larger share of the cluster workload.

To change the configured weight for a cluster member we can either specify a new weight in the Configured weight field and click the Update button for the Configured weight column, or click on the name of the cluster member. Clicking the name of the cluster member navigates you to the page where we can change any of the configuration settings for that cluster member.

Runtime weight

Proportionate workload that is currently directed to the cluster member in comparison to the runtime weights of the rest of the cluster members. The runtime weight only applies for Remote Method Invocation over Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (RMI-IIOP) requests, EJB requests, and HTTP requests received through a WebSphere proxy server.

Use the Runtime weight property to dynamically adjust the weight givenn to a particular cluster member without having to stop and then restart that cluster member. To change the proportion, specify a new weight for the Runtime weight property, and then click the Update button for the Runtime weight column. The runtime weight change takes effect immediately.

Changing the runtime weight for a cluster member does not affect the configured weight setting for that cluster member. The configured weight setting still applies for HTTP requests that do not come through a WebSphere proxy server.


This field indicates whether the cluster member is started, stopped, partially stopped, or unavailable. If the status is unavailable, the node agent is not running in that node and we must restart the node agent before we can start the server.

Icon Status Description

Started The server is running.

Partially stopped The server is in the process of changing from a started state to a stopped state.

Stopped The server is not running.

Unknown The server status cannot be determined.


  • WebSphere Application Server - Clusters
  • Balancing workloads
  • Add members to a cluster
  • Modifying cluster member templates
  • Cluster member settings
  • Node agent collection