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Tunnel peer access point selection

Control which tunnel peer access points are associated with this tunnel access point group. We can also use this page to create new tunnel peer access points for this tunnel access point group, or delete an existing tunnel peer access points.

From the admin console, click...

        Servers > Core Groups > Core group bridge settings > Tunnel access point groups > tunnel_access_point_group_name > Tunnel peer access points.

To see the configuration settings for a tunnel peer access point, select that tunnel peer access point, and then, click Show details for the list containing that tunnel peer access point.

To create a new tunnel peer access point, click New.

To add an existing tunnel peer access point to this tunnel access point group, select one of the available tunnel peer access points, and click the first arrow to move that tunnel peer access point to the Tunnel peer access points list for this tunnel access point group.

To remove a tunnel peer access point from this tunnel access point group, select one of the tunnel peer access points from the list of tunnel peer access points contained in this access point group> the second arrow to move the tunnel peer access point back to the Available tunnel peer access points list.

To delete a tunnel peer access point, select the tunnel peer access point to delete, and click Delete.

When we finish adjusting your tunnel access points, click OK, and then click Save to save and synchronize changes with all managed nodes.

Available tunnel peer access points

List of defined tunnel peer access points available for you to add to this tunnel access point group.

Tunnel peer access points in tunnel_access_point_group

List of tunnel peer access points in this tunnel access point group.

  • Configure communication with a core group that resides on a DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS