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Global deployment settings

To configure settings for monitored directory deployment.

This page allows us to specify a directory WebSphere Application Server regularly scans for ear files and automatically deploys them if they exist or removes them when deleting them. That can save quite some administration effort.

Restriction: Monitored directory deployment is available only on distributed or z/OS operating systems. It is not supported on IBM i operating systems.

Monitor directory to automatically deploy applications

Enable monitored directory deployment.

Use monitored directory deployment to install or update an enterprise application file on an application server or cluster, or to uninstall an application file that was previously installed using monitored directory deployment.

We can install or update an application file by dragging or copying an EAR, web archive (WAR), JAR, or SIP archive (SAR) to a monitored directory. The application file must conform to the Java EE specification. To uninstall a deployed application file, remove it from the monitored directory.

We can also install, update, or uninstall an application file by dragging or copying an application properties file to a monitored directory. The properties file must specify the deployment actions to be performed.

By default, monitored directory deployment is disabled.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default false (clear checkbox)

Monitored directory

Directory to use for monitored directory deployment. The default monitored directory is monitoredDeployableApps. Using this setting, we can specify a different default monitored directory.

For deployment by dragging or copying an enterprise application file to a monitored directory, the directory to which we add enterprise application files depends upon the product profile:

For deployment using properties files, the monitored directory is a subdirectory, named deploymentProperties, of the directory specified by this setting; for example,

To change the default monitored directory, specify a different directory path for this setting. List the entire value for the directory, including the environment variable. We must select the Monitor directory to automatically deploy applications option to change this setting.

To view the default value, after a non-default value is set, clear the field.

Information Value
Data type String
Default ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/monitoredDeployableApps

Polling interval

Number of seconds that elapse before the product scans a monitored directory for new applications.

The product scans a monitored directory for new applications no more frequently than every 5 seconds, by default.

To change this setting, specify a value of 5 or higher. The product changes 0 (zero) or negative values to 5 when the server starts. Monitor directory to automatically deploy applications must be enabled to change this setting.

To view the default value, after a non-default value is set, clear the field.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 5
