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Other context properties settings

Specify properties to be passed to the javax.naming.InitialContext constructor for an indirect JNDI lookup name binding. Completion of this page is optional. The properties are in addition to the basic properties specified for an indirect namespace binding.

To specify new context properties and view this page, click Environment > Naming > Name space bindings > New > Indirect > indirect_binding_basic_properties > Specify additional context properties.

Only v6.1 and later nodes use these properties.

To add a property to be passed to the javax.naming.InitialContext constructor when obtaining the initial JNDI context, specify a name and value pair to be passed to the constructor and click Apply. We can add multiple name-value properties. The specified properties are displayed in the collection table.

To view existing context properties, click Environment > Naming > Name space bindings > indirect_binding_name > Other context properties.

If the scope of the indirect lookup binding includes servers or nodes previous to v6.1, the initial context factory name and other context factory properties are not shown on the console page.


Name (or key) for the property.

Each property name must be unique. If the same name is specified for multiple properties, the value used is undefined.


Value paired with the specified name.


Specifies information about the name-value pair.

  • Configure namespace bindings
  • Indirect lookup binding settings