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Protocol providers settings

Set properties of a protocol provider, including SMTP, IMAP and POP3, which provides the implementation class for a specific protocol to support communication between your mail application and mail servers.

Built-in providers: The application server contains protocol providers for various types of protocols, including SMTP, IMAP and POP3. If we require custom providers for protocols that are not provided by the application server, install them in your application serving environment before configuring the providers. See the JavaMail API design specification for guidelines. After configuring the protocol providers, return to the mail provider page to find the link for configuring mail sessions.

From the admin console, click...

        Resources > Mail > Mail Providers > mail_provider > Protocol Providers > protocol_provider.


Scope at which this protocol provider was created. Only applications installed within this scope can use a protocol configured according to the settings of this protocol provider.


Configuration of the protocol provider for a given protocol.

Class name

The implementation class of this protocol provider.


Type of protocol provider. Valid options are STORE or TRANSPORT.

  • Enable J2EE applications to use mail resources with JavaMail
  • Configure mail providers and sessions