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Routing rules configuration - WebSphere proxy server

Use this topic to create the advanced configuration routing rules to ensure that work requests arrive at the proper generic server cluster.

From the admin console, click...

We can edit routing rules configurable field settings on the Configuration tab.


The name field is required and is a user-defined field.

The name field cannot contain the following characters: # \ / , : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '

The name that is defined must be unique among routing rules and cannot begin with a period or a space. A space does not generate an error, but leading and trailing spaces are automatically deleted.

Enable this rule

We can create routing rules and then not enable them. This capability is useful when planning for the maintenance of nodes or emergencies.

By default, the rule is enabled.

Virtual host name

The virtual host name field is a selectable field that is preconfigured with the defined virtual hosts in the cell.

If we do not see the virtual host that we are looking for in the menu, click Environment > Virtual Hosts from the administrative console and define the virtual host there.

URI group

The URI group field is populated with all the preconfigured URI groups in the cell.

If we do not see the URI group that we are looking for, click Environment > URI Groups and create one.

Routing action

This option specifies to the proxy server how to route a request that matches the given criteria (virtual host and URI group) definedd. We have three options for this field.

Generic Server Cluster: If we want only the proxy server to seek a preconfigured generic server cluster, select that option and use the drop-down box to select the generic server cluster.

Failure Status Code: To reject the requests that match the specific criteria, we use the failure status code and provide an HTTP status code to use in the response to the sender.

Redirect URL: Send a redirect to the client. If we select this option, enter a fully qualified URL like http://abc.xyz.com. Usually, the URL is somewhere within the enterprise, sometimes right back to the proxy on a different port. Ensure a request is routed through protocols like SSL.

Local route: Route requests to the root directory on the file system where static files are located.

  • Routing requests from a plug-in to a proxy server