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Install RAR

Use this page to install a resource archive (RAR) file in one of two ways. We can either upload a RAR file from the local file system, or specify an existing RAR file on a server. The RAR file must be installed at the node level, and we can select the node on this page.

To view this page in the administrative console click Resources > Resource Adapters > Resource Adapters > Install RAR.

For information about installing a resource adapter, see the topic, Installing a resource adapter archive (RAR) file.


Scope of the resource adapter. Only applications installed within this scope can use this adapter.

Local file system

Path of a RAR that resides on the same server as the console.

Information Value
Data type String

Remote file system

Path of a RAR that resides on one of the nodes of the cell.

Information Value
Data type String

  • Install a resource adapter archive