IBM MQ Provider queue destination settings for application clients
Use this panel to view or change the configuration properties of the selected queue destination for use with the IBM MQ product Java Message Service (JMS) provider.
To view this Application Client Resource Configuration Tool (ACRCT) page, click File > Open. After you browse for an EAR file, click Open. Expand the selected JAR file and click Messaging Providers > IBM MQ Provider. Right-click Queue Destinations and click New. The following fields are displayed on the General tab.
- The property values specified must match the values specified when configuring JMS resources for IBM MQ. For more information about configuring JMS resources for IBM MQ, see Use Java in the IBM MQ information center.
- In IBM MQ, names can have a maximum of 48 characters.
A queue for use with the IBM MQ product JMS provider has the following properties.
The name by which the queue is known for administrative purposes within WebSphere Application Server.
Information Value Data type String
A description of the queue, for administrative purposes within WAS.
Information Value Data type String
The application client runtime environment uses this field to retrieve configuration information.
Whether all messages sent to the destination are persistent, nonpersistent or have their persistence defined by the application.
Information Value Data type Enum Default APPLICATION_DEFINED Range
- Application defined
- Messages on the destination have their persistence defined by the application that put them onto the queue.
- Queue defined
- [IBM MQ destination only] essages on the destination have their persistence defined by the IBM MQ queue definition properties.
- Persistent
- Messages on the destination are persistent.
- Nonpersistent
- Messages on the destination are not persistent.
Whether the message priority for this destination is defined by the application or the Specified priority property.
Information Value Data type Enum Units Not applicable Default APPLICATION_DEFINED Range
- Application defined
- The priority of messages on this destination is defined by the application that put them onto the destination.
- Queue defined
- [IBM MQ destination only] essages on the destination have their persistence defined by the IBM MQ queue definition properties.
- Specified
- The priority of messages on this destination is defined by the Specified priority property. If we select this option, we must define a priority on the Specified priority property.
Specified Priority
If the Priority property is set to Specified, specify the message priority for this queue, in the range 0 (lowest) through 9 (highest).
Information Value Data type Integer Units Message priority level Range 0 (lowest priority) through 9 (highest priority)
Whether the expiry timeout value for this queue is defined by the application or the by Specified expiry property or whether messages on the queue never expire (have an unlimited expiry time out).
Information Value Data type Enum Units Not applicable Default APPLICATION_DEFINED Range
- Application defined
- The expiry timeout for messages on this queue is defined by the application that put them onto the queue.
- Specified
- The expiry timeout for messages on this queue is defined by the Specified expiry property. If we select this option, we must define a timeout on the Specified expiry property.
- Unlimited
- Messages on this queue have no expiry timeout and those messages never expire.
Specified Expiry
If the Expiry timeout property is set to Specified, type here the number of milliseconds (greater than 0) after which messages on this queue expire.
Information Value Data type Integer Units Milliseconds Range Greater than or equal to 0
- 0 indicates that messages never time out
- Other values are an integer number of milliseconds
Base Queue Name
The name of the queue to which messages are sent, on the queue manager specified by the Base queue manager name property.
Information Value Data type String
Base Queue Manager Name
The name of the IBM MQ queue manager to which messages are sent.
This queue manager provides the queue specified by the Base queue name property.
Information Value Data type String Units En_US ASCII characters Range A valid IBM MQ Queue Manager name, as 1 through 48 ASCII characters
The coded character set identifier to use with the IBM MQ queue manager.
This coded character set identifier (CCSID) must be one of the CCSIDs supported by IBM MQ queue manager. See the IBM MQ messaging provider queue and topic advanced properties settings for more details.
Information Value Data type String
Integer encoding
If native encoding is not enabled, select whether integer encoding is normal or reversed.
Information Value Data type Enum Default NORMAL Range
- Normal integer encoding is used.
- Reversed integer encoding is used.
For more information about encoding properties, see Use Java in the IBM MQ information center.
Decimal encoding
If native encoding is not enabled, select whether decimal encoding is normal or reversed.
Information Value Data type Enum Default NORMAL Range
- Normal decimal encoding is used.
- Reversed decimal encoding is used.
For more information about encoding properties, see Use Java in the IBM MQ information center.
Floating point encoding
If native encoding is not enabled, select the type of floating point encoding.
Information Value Data type Enum Default IEEENORMAL Range
- IEEE normal floating point encoding is used.
- IEEE reversed floating point encoding is used.
- S390
- S390 floating point encoding is used.
For more information about encoding properties, see Use Java in the IBM MQ information center.
Native encoding
Indicates that the queue destination uses native encoding (appropriate encoding values for the Java platform) when we select this check box.
Information Value Data type Enum Default Cleared Range
- Cleared
- Native encoding is not used, so specify the following properties for integer, decimal and floating point encoding.
- Selected
- Native encoding is used (to provide appropriate encoding values for the Java platform).
For more information about encoding properties, see Use Java in the IBM MQ information center.
Target client
Whether the receiving application is JMS compliant or is a traditional IBM MQ application.
Information Value Data type Enum Default IBM MQ Range
Message body
Specifies whether an application processes the RFH version 2 header of an IBM MQ message as part of the JMS message body.
Information Value Data type Drop-down list Default UNSPECIFIED Range
- When sending messages, the IBM MQ messaging provider does or does not generate and include an RFH version 2 header, depending on the value of the Append RFH version 2 headers to messages sent to this destination property. When receiving messages, the IBM MQ messaging provider acts as if the value is set to JMS.
- When sending messages, the IBM MQ messaging provider automatically generates an RFH version 2 header and includes it in the IBM MQ message. When receiving messages, the IBM MQ messaging provider sets the JMS message properties according to values in the RFH version 2 header (if these value are present); it does not present the RFH version 2 header as part of the JMS message body.
- MQ
- When sending messages, the IBM MQ messaging provider does not generate an RFH version 2 header. When receiving messages, the IBM MQ messaging provider presents the RFH version 2 header as part of the JMS message body.
ReplyTo destination style
Format of the JMSReplyTo field.
Information Value Data type Drop-down list Default DEFAULT Range
- The default is equivalent to the information in the RFH version 2 header.
- Use the value supplied in the MQMD. This populates the reply to queue manager field with the value from the MQMD, equivalent to the default behaviour of IBM MQ Version and
- RFH2
- Use the value supplied in the RFH version 2 header. If the sending application set a JMSReplyTo value, then that value is used.
MQMD read enabled
Specifies whether an application can read the values of QMD fields from JMS messages that have been sent or received using the IBM MQ messaging provider.
Information Value Data type Check box Default Cleared Range
- Cleared
- Applications cannot read the values of the MQMD fields.
- Selected
- Applications can read the values of the MQMD fields.
MQMD write enabled
Specifies whether an application can write the values of QMD fields to JMS messages that will be sent or received using the IBM MQ messaging provider.
Information Value Data type Check box Default Cleared Range
- Cleared
- Applications cannot write the values of the MQMD fields.
- Selected
- Applications can write the values of the MQMD fields.
MQMD message context
Defines the message context options specified when sending messages to a destination.
Information Value Data type Drop-down list Default DEFAULT Range
- The MQOPEN API call and the MQPMO structure specify no explicit message context options.
- The MQOPEN API call specifies the message context option MQOO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT, and the MQPMO structure specifies MQPMO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT.
- The MQOPEN API call specifies the message context option MQOO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT, and the MQPMO structure specifies MQPMO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT.
Custom Properties
Specifies name-value pairs for setting additional properties on the object created at run time for this resource.
We must enter a name that is a public property on the object and a value that can be converted from a string to the type required by the set method of the property. The acceptable properties and values depend on the object created. Refer to the object documentation for a list of valid properties and values.
Use application clients Configure new JMS providers with the Application Client Resource Configuration Tool IBM MQ messaging provider queue and topic advanced properties settings