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clientRAR tool

Use the command line syntax for the client resource adapter installation tool to install a resource adapter in the client.

If this tool is used to add or delete resource adapters on the server, then only the client can use the resource adapter. If the resource adapter is installed on the server using the wsadmin tool or the administrative console, then do not use the clientRAR tool to remove it. Only resource adapters installed using the clientRAR tool should be removed using the clientRAR tool.

The command line invocation syntax for the clientRAR tool follows:

clientRAR [-help | -?] [-CRDcom.ibm.ws.client.installedConnectors=<dir>] <task> <archive>

-help, -?
Print the usage information. 
The directory where resource adapters are installed.
This will override the system property of the same name

The task to perform: add - install, delete - uninstall.

if task=add then this is the fully qualified name of the resource adapter archive file.
If task=delete then this is the filename of the resource adapter archive to be uninstalled.

The following examples demonstrate correct syntax.

(Windows) On Windows operating systems:

(AIX) (Linux) (HPUX) (Solaris) On UNIX and Linux operating systems:


  • Resource adapters for the client
  • Use application clients