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Manage WS-Security distributed cache configurations using wsadmin.sh

The distributed cache stores tokens on the client. Use this topic and the commands in the WSSCacheManagement group of the AdminTask object to query, update, and remove custom and non-custom properties for the distributed cache configuration.

Configure a policy set with WS-Security enabled.

The distributed cache stores tokens on both distributed and local clients. WebSphere Application Server supports only the security context token for the WS-Trust security token service client and the security trust service components.

Use the administrative console or the wsadmin tool to manage your secure conversation distributed cache configuration. Use the wsadmin tool and the Jython scripting language syntax to:


Your WS-Security distributed cache configuration is updated.


  • Secure conversation client cache and trust service configuration
  • SecureConversation default policy sets
  • Configure the Web Services Security distributed cache
  • Example: Installing a web services sample with the console