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Query web services using wsadmin.sh

Use the Jython or Jacl scripting language to query for web services properties with the wsadmin tool. Use the commands in the WebServicesAdmin group to list all web services, service references and attributes, find attributes of a specific web service, determine the web service endpoint, and determine the operation name of a Web service.

The wsadmin administrative scripting program supports two scripting languages, Jacl and Jython. The Jacl syntax is deprecated. Examples written only in the Jython scripting language are included.

Before we can complete the procedure for the commands in the WebServicesAdmin group, we must launch the wsadmin tool.

Use the following commands to query for web services and web service attributes. If we receive a NoItemFoundException error, the specified application, module, service, or endpoint cannot be found. Verify that all parameters are correct.

We can optionally specify the client parameter for any command in the WebServicesAdmin command group. The client parameter indicates whether to return service providers or service clients. Specify false to request service providers and true to request service clients.



  • Start the wsadmin scripting client
  • Configure application and system policy sets for web services
  • Use wsadmin scripting