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Restarting node agent processes using the wsadmin scripting tool

If we stop a node agent process, we cannot start the process using the wsadmin tool or the administrative console. Use this topic to restart a running node agent.

A node agent must exist in the configuration and must be in the stopped state.

Use the following steps to restart a node agent process:


  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool.
  2. Determine the name of the node agent to restart.

    • Use Jacl:
      set na [$AdminControl queryNames type=NodeAgent,node=mynode,*]

    • Use Jython:
      na = AdminControl.queryNames('type=NodeAgent,node=mynode,*')

  3. Determine the NodeAgent MBean operation.

    Use the following help commands to return information about the restart option:

    • Use Jacl:
      $Help operations $na

    • Use Jython:
      print Help.operations('na')

  4. Restart the node agent process.

    As the help output from the operations command displays, specify two boolean parameters in the command invocation. First, specify true for the syncFirst parameter to synchronize the configuration before the command restarts the node. Next, specify true for the restartServers parameter to restart all running servers while the command restarts the node. The following command example synchronizes and restarts the application servers that are running on the node when the node agent restarts:

    • Use Jacl:
      $AdminControl invoke $na restart "true true"

    • Use Jython:
      AdminControl.invoke(na,'restart','true true')

The node agent process has been restarted.

What to do next

Verify that the node agent and servers successfully started.

  • Manage node agents
  • Node agent server settings
  • stopNode command