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Set port numbers to the serverindex.xml file using scripting

Use the wsadmin tool to modify the port numbers specified in the serverindex.xml file. The endpoints of the serverindex.xml file are part of different objects in the configuration.

There are multiple ways to complete this task. Complete the steps in this task to use the AdminConfig and AdminTask objects to configure ports in the environment. Alternatively, we can use the scripts in the AdminServerManagement script library to configure various ports in the configuration.

Before modifying ports using scripting, we must launch the wsadmin tool.


What to do next

Save the configuration changes.


Use the syncActiveNode or syncNode scripts in the AdminNodeManagement script library to propagate the configuration changes to node or nodes.

  • Configure port settings
  • wsadmin AdminConfig
  • Ports settings
  • Server settings configuration scripts
  • Commands for the AdminConfig object