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Navigating with XTreeCursor

Use the XTreeCursor interface to view the data.

Suppose the sequence that results from evaluating an XPath or XQuery expression or an XSLT stylesheet contains nodes. You will find it very convenient to access the contents of those nodes by applying further XPath or XQuery expressions to those nodes. However, we might also choose to navigate through the tree structure associated with a node directly through the XML API.



The following example shows how we can use the methods on the XTreeCursor interface to navigate through the tree containing your XML data.

/* Contents of library.xml

  <book title='Ulysses'><author><first>James</first><last>Joyce</last></author></book>
  <book title='Ada'><author><first>Vladimir</first><last>Nabokov</last></author></book>

XItemFactory factory = XFactory.newInstance().getItemFactory();
XItemView item = factory.item(new StreamSource("library.xml"));

// 'tree' is initially positioned at the same node as
// 'item' - that is, the document node of the input
XTreeCursor tree = item.getTreeCursor();

// Position tree cursor to "library" element

// Position tree cursor to white-space text node

// Position to first "book" element

// Position to white-space text node

// Position to second "book" element

// Create a second instance of XTreeCursor initially
// positioned at the same node as 'tree' - that is, the
// second "book" element
XTreeCursor secondBook = tree.getTreeCursor();

// Position 'tree' to "library" element

// Position 'secondBook' to "title" attribute

The following example navigates through all the nodes in a tree in a depth-first fashion.

XItemFactory factory = XFactory.newInstance().getItemFactory();
XItemView item = factory.item(new StreamSource("library.xml"));

XTreeCursor tree = item.getTreeCursor();
boolean hasMoreNodes = true;

do {
    // Process current node

    if (tree.toFirstAttribute()) {
        do {
            // Process attributes
        } while (tree.toNextAttribute());

    if (tree.toFirstNamespace()) {
        do {
            // Process namespaces
        } while (tree.toFirstNamespace());

    boolean foundNext = false;

    // If the current node has a child, visit it next
    // If there's no child, go to the next sibling
    if (tree.toFirstChild() || tree.toNextSibling()) {
        foundNext = true;

    // If there's no child and no sibling, find an
    // ancestor's sibling instead.
    } else {
        do {
            hasMoreNodes = tree.toParent();
            if (hasMoreNodes) {
                foundNext = tree.toNextSibling();
        } while (hasMoreNodes && !foundNext);
} while (hasMoreNodes);