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Configure the message listener service using scripting

Use scripting to configure the message listener service.

Configure the message listener service for an application server:

In the following examples, code blocks beginning with wsadmin> show code that is entered by the user. Lines that do not begin with wsadmin> show code that has been returned by the console.


  1. Identify the application server and assign it a variable. For this example the variable is named server.

    • Use Jacl:
      wsadmin>set server [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/Server:server1/]

    • Use Jython:
      wsadmin>server = AdminConfig.getid("/Server:server1/")
      wsadmin>print server

    Example output:

  2. Idenify the message listener service for the server and assign it to a variable. In this example the variable is named mls.

    • Use Jacl:
      wsadmin>set mls [$AdminConfig list MessageListenerService $server]

    • Use Jython:
      wsadmin>mls = AdminConfig.list('MessageListenerService', server)
      wsadmin>print mls

    Example output:


  3. Modify various attributes with one of the following examples:

    • This example command changes the attributes of the thread pool for the message listener service:

      • Use Jacl:
        wsadmin>$AdminConfig modify $mls {{threadPool {{inactivityTimeout 4000} 
        {isGrowable true} {maximumSize 100} {minimumSize 25}}}}

      • Use Jython:
        wsadmin>AdminConfig.modify(mls, [['threadPool', [['inactivityTimeout', 4000], 
        ['isGrowable',  'true'], ['maximumSize', 100], ['minimumSize', 25]]]])

    • Create a listener port using the server and mls variables to provide information about the server and the message listener service:

      • Use Jacl:
        wsadmin>set new [$AdminConfig create ListenerPort $mls {{name my} 
        {destinationJNDIName di} {connectionFactoryJNDIName jndi/fs}}]
        wsadmin>$AdminConfig create StateManageable $new {{initialState START}}

      • Use Jython:
        wsadmin>new = AdminConfig.create('ListenerPort',mls,[['name','myLP']
        wsadmin>print new

      Example output:

    • Assign a variable to the 'State Manageable' property on the listener port and use it to change the initialState property on the listener port. In this example the variable is named sm.

      • Use Jython:
        wsadmin>sm = AdminConfig.list('StateManageable',new)
        wsadmin>print sm
      • Example output:

      • Use Jython:

    • Modify a property on the first listener port on the message listener service, using jython.

      • Return a list of the listener ports on the message listener service:
        wsadmin>lports = AdminConfig.showAttribute(mls,'listenerPorts')
        wsadmin>print lports

        A list of the listener ports on the message listener service is returned in a string:

        733) myLP2(cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/server1|server.xml#ListenerPort_1318513831827)]

      • Remove the first and last character of each listener port in the list string, so that wsadmin can use the returned information:
        wsadmin>clp = lports[1:len(lports)-1]
        wsadmin>print clp

        The result is returned:

        33) myLP2(cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/server1|server.xml#ListenerPort_1318513831827)

      • Select the first listener port in the list:
        wsadmin>lport =clp.split(" ")[0]
        wsadmin>print lport


      • Alter a property on the listener port. In this example the maxRetries property has been altered:
        wsadmin>AdminConfig.modify(lport, [['maxRetries', 2]])

    • Modify a property on the first listener port on the message listener service, using jacl:
      wsadmin>set lports [$AdminConfig showAttribute $mls listenerPorts]
      wsadmin>set lport [lindex $lports 0]
      wsadmin>$AdminConfig modify $lport {{maxRetries 2}}

  4. Save the configuration changes.
  5. In a network deployment environment only, synchronize the node.

  • wsadmin AdminConfig
  • Start the wsadmin scripting client
  • Save wsadmin configuration changes
  • Synchronize nodes
  • Commands for the AdminConfig object