Mapping XML types to Java types
Use this mapping between XML types and Java types when using external functions and variables. They are recommended mappings only; other types might work subject to type promotion, casting rules, and the range of values representable by the target type.
- Use this table to map between built-in types and Java types when using external functions and variables.
Built-in Types Java Types xs:anyURI java.lang.String xs:boolean boolean, java.lang.Boolean xs:base64Binary byte[] xs:hexBinary byte[] xs:date javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar xs:dateTime javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar xs:time javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar xs:duration javax.xml.datatype.Duration xs:dayTimeDuration javax.xml.datatype.Duration xs:yearMonthDuration javax.xml.datatype.Duration xs:gDay javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar xs:gMonth javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar xs:gMonthDay javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar xs:gYear javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar xs:gYearMonth javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar xs:decimal java.math.BigDecimal xs:integer java.math.BigInteger xs:nonPositiveInteger java.math.BigInteger xs:negativeInteger java.math.BigInteger xs:long long, java.lang.Long xs:int int, java.lang.Integer xs:short short, java.lang.Short xs:byte byte, java.lang.Byte xs:nonNegativeInteger java.math.BigInteger xs:unsignedLong java.math.BigInteger xs:unsignedInt long xs:unsignedShort int xs:unsignedByte short xs:positiveInteger java.math.BigInteger xs:double double, java.lang.Double xs:float float, java.lang.Float xs:QName javax.xml.namespace.QName xs:NOTATION javax.xml.namespace.QName xs:string java.lang.String xs:normalizedString java.lang.String xs:token java.lang.String xs:language java.lang.String xs:NMTOKEN java.lang.String xs:Name java.lang.String xs:NCName java.lang.String xs:ID java.lang.String xs:IDREF java.lang.String xs:ENTITY java.lang.String xs:untypedAtomic java.lang.String List[] Union All of the previously listed built-in types Complex types (types that represent nodes in the XML document) org.w3c.dom.Node The mapping also applies to retrieving values from an XItemView. The XItemView getDoubleValue method returns Java primitive double; the getDateValue, getTimeValue, and getDateTimeValue methods all return an XMLGregorianCalendar; and so on.
To use an external function in your XPath or XQuery expressions and it takes a built-in type as the argument, the actual Java method signature can specify any of the indicated Java types. To use an external function, my:power(arg1 as xs:int, arg2 as xs:int) for example, to calculate the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument, we could write a Java method taking two Java primitive int arguments that performs the calculation.
- Use this table to map between sequence types and Java types when using external functions and variables.
Sequence Types Java Types All sequence types Sequence type known to be a singleton (a sequence containing only one item) One of the types listed in the built-in types to Java types mapping table Sequence type known to contain only nodes and no atomic items org.w3c.dom.NodeList org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator
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