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Loading a precompiled executable

Use the XCompilationFactory interface and its various load methods to load a precompiled expression, query, or stylesheet. These load methods load the Java classes and return an XPathExecutable, XQueryExecutable, or XSLTExecutable object respectively.



The following is a basic example of loading a precompiled XPath expression.

// Create the factory
XFactory factory = XFactory.newInstance();

// Get the compilation factory
XCompilationFactory compileFactory = factory.getCompilationFactory();

// Create the compilation parameters
XCompilationParameters params = compileFactory.newCompilationParameters("MyXPath");
params.setPackageName( "org.example.myxpath");

// Load the executable
XPathExecutable executable = compileFactory.loadXPath(params);        

// Create the input source
StreamSource input = new StreamSource("simple.xml");

// Execute the XPath expression
XSequenceCursor cursor = executable.execute(input);

Appropriate load methods are available for XQuery and XSLT as well.

  • Precompiling using the command-line tools
  • Precompiling in Java