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Configure new JMS destinations using scripting

Use scripting and wsadmin.sh to configure a new Java Message Service (JMS) destination.

Perform the following steps to configure a new JMS destination:

In the following examples, code blocks beginning with wsadmin> show code that is entered by the user. Lines that do not begin with wsadmin> show code that has been returned by the console.


  1. Identify the parent ID and assign in to a variable. In this example the variable is named newjmsp.

    • Use Jacl:
      wsadmin>set newjmsp [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:mycell/Node:myNode/JMSProvider:JMSP1]

    • Use Jython:
      wsadmin>newjmsp = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:mycell/Node:myNode/JMSProvider:JMSP1")
      wsadmin>print newjmsp

    Example output:


  2. Get required attributes:

    • Use Jacl:
      wsadmin>$AdminConfig required GenericJMSDestination

    • Use Jython:
      wsadmin>print AdminConfig.required('GenericJMSDestination')

    Example output:

    Attribute       Type
    name				   String
    jndiName			 String
    externalJNDIName		String

  3. Set up required attributes:

    • Use Jacl:
      wsadmin>set name [list name JMSD1]
      wsadmin>set jndi [list jndiName jms/JMSDestination1]
      wsadmin>set extJndi [list externalJNDIName jms/extJMSD1]
      wsadmin>set jmsdAttrs [list $name $jndi $extJndi]

    • Use Jython:
      wsadmin>name = ['name', 'JMSD1']
      wsadmin>jndi = ['jndiName', 'jms/JMSDestination1']
      wsadmin>extJndi = ['externalJNDIName', 'jms/extJMSD1']
      wsadmin>jmsdAttrs = [name, jndi, extJndi]
      wsadmin>print jmsdAttrs

    Example output:

    {name JMSD1} {jndiName jms/JMSDestination1} {externalJNDIName jms/extJMSD1}

  4. Create generic JMS destination:

    • Use Jacl:
      wsadmin>$AdminConfig create GenericJMSDestination $newjmsp  $jmsdAttrs

    • Use Jython:
      wsadmin>print AdminConfig.create('GenericJMSDestination', newjmsp,  jmsdAttrs)

    Example output:


  5. Save the configuration changes.
  6. In a network deployment environment only, synchronize the node.

  • wsadmin AdminConfig
  • Save wsadmin configuration changes
  • Start the wsadmin scripting client
  • Synchronize nodes
  • Commands for the AdminConfig object