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Dumping threads in server processes using scripting

Use the AdminControl object to produce a Java core dump, which includes the Java threads of a running server.

See the Start the wsadmin scripting client article for more information.

(ZOS) The dumpThreads command generates a Java heap dump, a JVM initiated System Transaction Dump (TDUMP), and a Java core dump.

(ZOS) To disable the generation of the heap dump, set the wsadmin_dumpthreads_enable_heapdump environment variable to 0. To disable the generation of the system TDUMP, set the wsadmin_dumpthreads_enable_javatdump environment variable to 0. We can set these variables at either the node or cell level.


Issue one of the following commands to produce a Java core dump.

The dumpThreads command creates other types of dump files depending on the -Xdumps settings. Dump output varies depending on the platform and might include system core files, heap, and snap dumps.

  • wsadmin AdminControl
  • Commands for the AdminControl object
  • (ZOS) Modify command
  • (ZOS) Application server custom properties for z/OS