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Trace user interface for stand-alone clients

To enable trace, we can either use a long form or a short form system property.

IBM recommends using the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace infrastructure . We view HPEL log and trace information using the logViewer .

Long form system properties

The long form system property takes priority over the short form and uses system properties that are unique to WebSphere Application Server.

Property Description
com.ibm.ejs.ras.lite.traceSpecification The trace specification string
com.ibm.ejs.ras.lite.traceFileName The trace destination (<file>, stdout, stderr, java,util.logging)
com.ibm.ejs.ras.lite.maxFileSize The maximum trace file size in MB (if the trace destination is a file)
com.ibm.ejs.ras.lite.maxFiles The maximum number of trace files kept (if the trace destination is a file)
com.ibm.ejs.ras.lite.traceFormat The trace output format, which can be either basic or advanced (the default is basic)

Long form example:


Short form system property

The short form uses a system property that is compatible with existing WAS clients but that, because this property is unqualified, might clash with other third party technologies running in the same Java runtime environment (JRE).

The short form system property is:


This property must specify a loadable properties file that can contain the following properties:

Property Description
traceFileName The trace destination (file, stdout, stderr, java,util.logging)
maxFilesSize The maximum trace file size in MB (if the trace destination is a file)
maxFiles The maximum number of trace files kept (if the trace destination is a file)
<traceSpec> The trace specification
traceFormat The trace output format, which can be either basic or advanced (the default is basic)

The following example shows how to use the short form system property:


Special meanings for trace file name values

Some trace file name values have a special meaning:

Use any other name causes the trace records to be written to a file of that name.