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Work with server properties files

Use properties files to change server properties.

Determine the changes to make to the server configuration or its configuration objects.

Run: wsadmin -lang jython

Use a properties file to create, modify, or delete a server object and its configuration properties.

Run administrative commands using wsadmin to create or change a properties file for a server, validate the properties, and apply them to the configuration.

Action Procedure

  1. Run the createPropertiesFileTemplates command to create a server template.

  2. Edit the template create sections and set SKIP=false.

  3. Run the applyConfigProperties command.

modify Follow create and delete steps.

  1. Run the createPropertiesFileTemplates command to create a server template.

  2. Edit the template delete sections and set SKIP=false.

  3. Run the deleteConfigProperties command.

Optionally, we can use interactive mode with the commands:



  1. Run the createPropertiesFileTemplates command to create a server template.

  2. Open the properties file in an editor.

  3. To create server properties, edit the template create sections, set SKIP=false, and run the applyConfigProperties command.

    Running the applyConfigProperties command applies the properties file to the configuration. In this Jython example, the optional -reportFileName parameter produces a report named report.txt:

    AdminTask.applyConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName myObjectType.props -reportFileName report.txt'])

  4. To delete server properties, edit the template delete sections, set SKIP=false, and run the deleteConfigProperties command.
    AdminTask.deleteConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName myObjectType.props -reportFileName report.txt]') 

What to do next

Save the changes to the configuration.


  • Extracting properties files
  • Create server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files and wsadmin scripting
  • Deleting server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files
  • Extracting properties files to troubleshoot the environment
  • Manage servers, nodes and cells with scripting
  • PropertiesBasedConfiguration .