Configure AIX 5.3 and AIX 6.1 on POWER5 and POWER6 (Micro-Partitioning)
To configure AIX Micro-Partitioning in shared and uncapped mode to work with Intelligent Management, enable performance collection in the Hardware management console (HMC).
Ensure we have access to the HMC for our AIX servers.
If we do not configure this setting in your HMC, but we are using AIX micro-partitioning in shared and uncapped mode, the following message displays in the system out log of the node agent process:
APMI_XDSYSTEM_HW_INFO_WARN=ASPS0023W: The logical partition on which this node resides has a mode of shared, a type of uncapped, but performance collection is not enabled.We must enable this setting so that Intelligent Management can recognize more than the entitled capacity for a logical partition (LPAR).
- Enable the performance hardware collection setting for each LPAR. In the HMC, click...
System s management > Servers > physical_server > LPAR_name. Select Allow performance hardware collection.
- Click OK.
- Restart the LPAR.
Intelligent Management can recognize more than the entitled capacity for a logical partition (LPAR).
- (AIX) Intelligent Management in a micro-partitioned environment
Use Intelligent Management in a micro-partitioned environment. Use shared processor partitions with Intelligent Management.