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IBM MQ queue points and mediation points

An IBM MQ queue point is used, by a bus destination on an IBM MQ server, to hold messages that are ready to be put onto an IBM MQ queue. If messages for the IBM MQ queue (or queue-sharing group) are processed by a mediation before being made available to IBM MQ, then the service integration destination uses an IBM MQ mediation point.

IBM MQ queue point

A service integration queue-type destination includes one or more queue points. The destination can use these queue points to hold messages that are ready for a consumer to consume them. When we configure the destination on a bus member that is a WebSphere Application Server single server or cluster, these queue points are service integration message points. When we configure the destination on a bus member that is an IBM MQ server, the destination has a single queue point that is an IBM MQ queue and is called an IBM MQ queue point.

Message consumers, including message-driven beans, receive messages from a queue point. When the queue point is an IBM MQ queue point, message consumers receive the messages from the IBM MQ queue.

If there is no mediation associated with the destination, and the messages are not redirected to another destination or consumed by a message consumer, then message producers place messages on a queue point. If the queue point is an IBM MQ queue point, message producers place messages on the IBM MQ queue.

IBM MQ mediation point

We can mediate a service integration queue-type destination. When we mediate a destination it is split into two parts called pre-mediated and post-mediated. The pre-mediated part comprises mediation points, the post-mediated part comprises queue points.

The mediation receives messages from the pre-mediated part. If the messages are not redirected to another destination or consumed by a message consumer, the mediation places messages on the post-mediated part. Messages on the post-mediated part are delivered to a message consumer.

When we mediate a destination on a bus member that is an IBM MQ server, the destination has a single mediation point that is an IBM MQ mediation point, and the post-mediated part is a single queue point that is an IBM MQ queue.


  • IBM MQ server and mediated exchange scenarios
  • Mediations
  • Permanent bus destinations
  • Create a queue-type destination and assigning it to an IBM MQ queue
  • Mediating a destination using an IBM MQ queue as the mediation point
  • createSIBDestination command
  • createSIBDestinations command
  • mediateSIBDestination command
  • unmediateSIBDestination command
  • A practical introduction to message mediation -- Part 1
  • A practical introduction to message mediation -- Part 3
  • A practical introduction to message mediation -- Part 4
  • A practical introduction to message mediation -- Part 5
  • IBM MQ queue points [Collection]
  • IBM MQ queue points [Settings]