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Use WSIF to invoke web services

You invoke a web service dynamically using the WSIF API directly.

You specify the location of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file for the service, the name of the operation to invoke, and any operation arguments. All other information needed to access the web service (the abstract interface, the binding, and the service endpoint) is available through the WSDL.

This kind of invocation does not require stub classes and does not need a separate compilation cycle.

We should not use WSIF for new applications in WebSphere Application Server, unless we are supporting an existing WSIF configuration. We should instead adopt a more recent open standard, such as the JAX-WS programming model.

For more information about using the Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) to invoke web services, see the following topics:




  • Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF)
  • WSIF and WSDL
  • Use complex types
  • Use WSIF to bind a JNDI reference to a web service
  • Example: Passing SOAP messages with attachments using WSIF