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Broker profile on an IBM MQ link

A broker profile on an IBM MQ link defines a connection through an IBM MQ link to an IBM MQ queue manager, for the purpose of publish/subscribe messaging with an IBM MQ network.

A broker profile applies to the connection between WAS and a single IBM MQ queue manager or separate publish/subscribe broker. It contains the following information:

We can define multiple broker profiles on a single IBM MQ link, to connect to multiple queue managers in the IBM MQ network.

We define one or more topic mappings for a broker profile. A topic mapping links a specific topic in the WAS service integration bus with its equivalent in the IBM MQ network.

The broker profiles, along with their topic mappings, form a publish/subscribe bridge with the IBM MQ network. The publish/subscribe bridge connects as a subscriber to receive messages from the IBM MQ network and pass them to applications in WAS, and it connects as a publisher to publish messages on topics in the IBM MQ network. For a description of how the publish/subscribe bridge operates, see Publish/subscribe bridge on an IBM MQ link.

  • Add or modify a publish/subscribe broker on the IBM MQ link
  • Define permissions for an IBM MQ link publish/subscribe broker to work with IBM MQ