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Modify default bindings at the server or cell level for policy sets

We can define default bindings for HTTP transport, JMS transport, SSL transport, WS-Addressing, WS-ReliableMessaging, and WS-Security policies.

To create or modify server default bindings, first install and configure an application server.

We can modify default cell bindings that are delivered with the product. Default bindings are not linked to a particular policy set and they provide default settings that might be used for sharing configuration information across multiple applications.

Create default bindings for individual application servers and customize those bindings to meet your requirements. The policy set bindings are optional. If a policy set binding is not defined at the server level, then the default cell level bindings are used. To modify these default bindings:


  1. Open the administrative console.

  2. To see which bindings are defined as the defaults for the cell or server, click Services > Policy sets > Default policy sets bindings.

    After seeing which bindings are defaults, we can select and edit them from the General provider or General client policy set bindings pages.

  3. To edit the default bindings, see Set default policy set bindings.

When we finish these steps, the default policy set bindings are modified. If we created default bindings at the server level, those default bindings are used instead of the default bindings at the cell level.

What to do next

Create application specific bindings for our policy sets. Read about creating application specific bindings for policy set attachments.

  • Create application specific bindings for policy set attachment
  • Reassigning bindings to policy sets attachments
  • v6.1 default policy set bindings
  • Default policy set bindings collection