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Enable Web Services Addressing support for JAX-WS applications using policy sets

For JAX-WS applications, we can enable WS-Addressing support after we deploy an application to the server, by creating or modifying policy sets, and attaching those policy sets to either a service or client application.

We can also configure the WS-Addressing support using other methods, for example in the code of the application, however this method overrides all other methods. Note that WS-Addressing support is enabled by default for service providers.


  1. Ensure that we have a policy set containing the WS-Addressing policy type. If we have to create a new policy set, or add the WS-Addressing policy to an existing policy set, refer to Manage policy sets for instructions.

  2. Configure the WS-Addressing policy type according to the instructions in Configure the WS-Addressing policy. Use the two settings to specify whether WS-Addressing is mandatory, and whether to use a synchronous or asynchronous message exchange pattern. The default settings are that WS-Addressing is not mandatory, and that both synchronous and asynchronous messaging patterns are used.

  3. Attach the policy set to a web service provider or client artifact, according to the instructions in Attaching a policy set to a service artifact.

  4. Optional: To communicate the WS-Addressing policy settings to other servers and clients, configure policy sharing as described in Configure a service provider to share its policy configuration or Configure the client policy to use a service provider policy. If policy sharing is enabled and the server and client cannot agree a policy, normal WS-Policy behavior applies (a policy error is produced).

WS-Addressing properties are now included in the SOAP message header, and are processed by the server on receipt of the message.


  • Manage policy sets
  • Configure the WS-Addressing policy
  • Attaching a policy set to a service artifact
  • Configure a service provider to share its policy configuration
  • Configure the client policy to use a service provider policy
  • Invoking JAX-WS web services asynchronously